Friday, May 29, 2009

Since yesterday...

:( I don't want to talk about it too much. I hope I didn't fuck it up, but I'm kind of really nervous now. Let's just say I really want to watch "He's Not That Into You," which Yancey promised to nab for me tomorrow. I mean, even if I did fuck it up, I was being who I am so what can I do?

Yesterday was a hoot. It was 10 P.M. and I was baking cookies. Yance and I went to rent movies, grabbed Kris and Huevos, and went to a party. I was driving, took Kris home around 1 so he could go to work, came back, didn't play beer pong cause I really really suck (flip cup is better), and then played some weird slap bag game on a bag of boxed wine. Well, I chugged wine twice, had a beer, and then had a rum/Sprite mixed drink... and I was hungover. I still went to the gym cause I'm a trooper. Also, I need to go badly. I'm working on me completely.

Links: This is why you're fat. | Chandeliera | Modernist Bungalow (want want want!) | Eat like a nutritionist.