Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Charleston was a disappointment, mostly

I found either ritzy, expensive stores or dilapidated homes. The difference was huge. The segregation was apparent. Though the day was beautiful and the architecture gorgeous, I was depressed. I drove 3 and a half hours each way today. Lame.

The only store I enjoyed was Vanity with its beautiful bags and accessories. They weren't too expensive either. They had Louis Vuitton, which was obviously too expensive, and gross stores that reminded me of Vera Bradley. Ew.

I think my camera battery died... officially. :/ Since the lens protecting metal thing fell off and I can't put it back on, I'm looking at new cameras to replace my 2 year old. I would never do this to a kid... haha. Also, I really do love my camera. :(

*I can't seem to find one I like except this Lomography film camera, Diana.

I want new Mac products.