Thursday, May 7, 2009

I love tornado drills... only in the RIGHT place though

4 hours of bad scrapbooking ensued today. I remember I used to be much better. I know this because I have a kick ass one from high school that I looked at and realized, I put way too much work into high school which I didn't particularly enjoy. I didn't hate it, but I love college.

Anyhow, I had purchased an amazing photo album from Ross! Yeah, I know right?! It's by Angela Adams, it's on her web site for $35, and I bought it for $5!

She's on Design Within Reach!

I also must admit I love TJ Maxx for their kitchen stuff. They had Cuisinart Retro things and I've bought some cool plates (Red Vanilla and Kate Spade) from there.

I need a new planner. Help me find one I can deal with. My old one is the best one ever. It's by SCAD/Working Class Studio for Barnes and Noble, and perfect for me. I never found a better one. I almost got a Mead one today from Staples. I'll find some to share...

Besides design-y things today, I realized I enjoy tornado warnings... only at the high school though, and I mean the 'right' high school. I came back to see my kids who had been on a field trip on Monday. Well, one minute into class, we had a tornado drill, sat in the hallway facing the lockers, and waited for an hour. I sat next to my two fave sophomores... kind of. I love the sophomores overall so that's hard... I bought the ones I missed on Monday cupcakes thanks to the Cupcake Corner/Sisters McMullen who individually bagged 11 cupcakes/cookies/cinnamon rolls. The kids who were absent had their goodies given to another student.

Afterwards, I bought some stickers to decorate my album and met to pick new tutors. We met for two hours. An hour mostly of talking about tutors/students in general. We got some crazy ones and by crazy I mean that they are smart and worldly.

Tomorrow involves eating. First, lunch with my boss and former students. They're okay, and we're eating at school. Then, dinner at Tomato Cocina Latina with the staff. I need to make them cards... maybe by Monday though.