Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happiness is...

...hot wings, blue mascara, strawberry Helado Mexico bars, drinks on fire, & most importantly, my students... when they're all there.

Today was the banquet. I didn't cry. I got a little teary, but no bawling this year. I guess I realized why... I will miss the sophomores most and they were mostly just cracking me up more than making me sad. Yancey also thinks that I expected to cry so I didn't and instead, I will cry sometime later instead. Randomly. Very true. I was also not really into it because some of my faves weren't there. :( But they shall be there for graduation, right?!

I love the sophomores so much! They will be the ones I miss most.


I grabbed 2 students and this is who I grabbed because they were the best there!