Monday, April 13, 2009

Hair difference

Not a big change. I did my hair so that I actually have my side bangs. Normally, I just part it where it wants and leave the house. I put my bangs in the front and evened out the back so my head doesn't feel like it's tipping over.

Better hair or better picture or both? I like the new hair more just as long as it isn't in my face.

With random makeup I put on...
See how there's a big gap on the left of my forehead here?AFTER
I fixed it and put on a cardigan. I think dressing nicer helps a lot... I'll do this once I want to buy new clothes of course.You can kind of see my manicure here. Bright pink for the spring!I have to smile! I look stupid doing half-assed smiles!
That's it. I'm 21. I need to look like I'm young and not frumpy. I should be that cute teacher. :) I'm slowly changing my habits to be more awesome. :)