Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Life is good. Hoping tomorrow is too.

I'm not online much because I'm doing my 3 days of teaching, 1 microteaching, paper, and my spring symposium!

1 day of teaching down, microteaching down. The teaching at the high school went well but the teaching of my peers bombed. You win some, you lose some and I'm happy it went the way it did.

My prof is coming tomorrow and I'm going to kick ass right? Why is it that every time he watches me, I suck? Seriously. :( I hate discussions. I never know what questions to follow-up with. Eh.

I went out with Yance and CeCe and friends against my better judgment tonight. I needed to work but I suppose it's okay since I met some super cool people. :)

Today was a rather good day. Here is why:

  • Kicked ass on my first day of teaching.
  • Iombed my microteaching but didn't care really even though it was in front of my prof.
  • Helped a friend TWICE without his asking... very crucial things.
  • Chatted A LOT with everyone and in every class. Seriously.
  • Saved someone who was less than 20 minutes in their lesson plan by asking more questions. Though, no one helped me out when I couldn't ask questions... they should've just kept on talking. :/
  • Someone, out of nowhere, bought me a book, The Twentieth Century. I'm buying him a new stapler. :)
  • I love my life.
Also, I volunteered this week to be part of this trip of AVID students from my kids' high school (the ones I tutor), Charlotte, and Greensboro. I'm talking to a few groups of them tomorrow. Then, I'm having lunch with them.

How will I fit in my paper, alterations on my lesson plan, and a birthday/going away party? I think if we leave the party at 9, I can do it. My roomie rocks cause he listens to my lesson plans and helps me staple/make things. :)