Tuesday, March 17, 2009

From G's to Gents/I Love Money 2 recaps

Remaining G's on "From G's to Gents" in order of favorite to least:
Mito, Fahim

Lank, Blue

Teddy, Baron, All-In

Despite everything that has been said about him, Mito (1st) is my favorite. He might not win because he already has his head on straighter than others. I'm just happy that the bad seeds like Protege are gone. I also believe Fahim (2nd) is working hard - he just has a rougher way of communicating.

Remaining cast members of "I Love Money 2" from favorite to least:
20 Pack, Saaphryi, Buckwild

It, Entertainer, Myamee

Ice, Cali, Prancer

Angelique, Tailor Made

Seriously, how did the gold team vote off Bonez - why was he the sacrifice?
20 Pack is a hottie even if he ends up being fond of men instead. I was torn about this at first because I liked some people on each side. Now, I've converted and I'm on the green team's side. Tonight sealed the deal: no one voted for the two ladies (Ice and Prancer), the two gold team allied members (20 and Buckwild) voted once - for Tailor Made, and then Ice, Prancer, and Tailor Made voted for Bonez. Was there some weird deal made? Cause Bonez would be my last choice.